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确定老年患者可能遭受的任何其他情况是重要的,因为这需要在患者的护理计划和压力溃疡的管理中加以考虑,因为它可能对压力溃疡的愈合有直接影响。例如,如果老年患者有糖尿病,他们的伤口愈合过程可能会延长(Leik, 2013)。此外,由于老年人皮肤较薄;这已经使他们面临更大的风险,皮肤损伤由于压力。肌肉骨骼疾病,如骨关节炎,通常在老年人中诊断,它可以限制患者的流动性或他们做特定活动的能力(NHS, 2014)。这可能会导致病人长时间处于相同的姿势,这可能会对身体的那个部位施加压力,使他们有更大的风险发展成压疮。此外,行动不便的老年人更容易出现血液循环不良,这可能会影响压疮愈合所需的时间。因此,在进行风险评估时,还应考虑血流。以上是一些例子,说明如何管理压力溃疡可以变得复杂;有更多的疾病,如绝症和其他医疗条件,需要考虑时,规划的护理或预防的压力溃疡。在老年患者中,营养摄入不足和体重减轻通常是两个相互关联的共同问题,除非病因是由疾病的潜在病理等不同因素引起的。因此,除了在风险评估中纳入这些因素外,还需要对患者进行健康教育,鼓励患者进食,并向患者提供其关系和卫生及社会护理人员的支持。健康建议/教育/指导很重要,因为体重不足的老年人骨骼周围组织更可能减少,血管质量可能更差,从而使他们更有可能受到压力的伤害,愈合也更差(MNT, 2014)。此外,老年患者饮食中缺乏蛋白质,而蛋白质支持组织生长和修复,也会因压力对皮肤造成更大的损害。低营养的摄入也会导致疲劳和虚弱的老年人,这可以影响一位上了年纪的人的接触和日常活动能力(Morelli Sidani, 2011),因此影响他们的心理社会状态,这可能会脱离他们支持他们自己的健康,无论是通过遵循医生的指导或通过积极参与医疗决策通常(Morelli Sidani, 2011)。这可以使病人集中护理困难对于那些提供照顾老人病人,为病人选择/偏好是妥协和痛苦的迹象,通常通过描述或表达口头推荐疼痛量表等“、”或“Waterlow”,也可能不被提供的病人(不错,2014和本堡,2014)。因此,病人参与管理压疮是至关重要的。
Determining any other condition which an elderly patient may suffer from is important, because this needs to be considered in the patient’s care plan and management of the Pressure ulcer as it could have direct impact on the healing of a pressure ulcer. For example, if the elderly patient has diabetes, their wound healing process maybe prolonged (Leik, 2013). Furthermore, as elderly individuals have thinner skin; this already puts them at greater risk of skin damage due to pressure. Musculoskeletal disease such as osteoarthritis is usually diagnosed in elderly individuals and it can limit the mobility of the patient or their ability to do specific activities (NHS, 2014). This may result in patients being in the same position for long periods of time, which may then put pressure on that area of the body, putting them at greater risk of developing a pressure ulcer. Also, elderly individuals who are less mobile are more likely to have poor circulation, which can impact on the time taken for a pressure ulcer to heal. Therefore, blood flow should also be taken into consideration when doing the risk assessment. Above are some examples of how the management of Pressure ulcers can become complex; there are more diseases such as terminal diseases and other medical conditions that need to be taken into consideration when planning the care or prevention of a pressure ulcer.Often both the lack of nutritional intake and loss of weight are two interrelated common concerns in elderly patients, unless the cause is due to a different factor such as underlying pathology of disease. Therefore, in addition to including these factors in the risk assessment, health education to encourage the patient to eat needs to be provided to the patient, their relations and health and social care staff supporting the patient. Health advice/education/guidance is important because an underweight elderly individual is more likely to have less tissue around their bones and possibly poorer blood vessel quality, hence making them more at risk of damage from pressure and also poorer healing (MNT, 2014). Also, a lack of protein in an elderly patient’s diet, which supports tissue growth and repair, can also cause greater damage to their skin from pressure. Low nutritional intake can also cause fatigue and frailty in elderly individuals and this can impact an elderly individual’s engagement and ability to do daily activities (Morelli and Sidani, 2011), hence impacting their psycho-social status, which may disengage them from supporting their own health, whether it be by following the guidance of a medical practitioner or by being active in their healthcare decisions generally (Morelli and Sidani, 2011). This then can make patient centred care difficult for those providing care for the elderly patient, as patient choice/preference is compromised and indication of pain, which is usually expressed verbally via description or recommended pain scales such as ‘Braden’ or ‘Waterlow’, may not also be provided by the patient (Nice, 2014 and Benbow, 2012). Therefore, the patient’s involvement in managing the pressure ulcer is vital.

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