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品牌形象是消费者心中的一套独特的联想,品牌代表着什么品牌,品牌做出了什么样的承诺。它也可以被定义为那些有形和无形的特征的总和。一个产品的品牌形象是一个组织中最重要的方面之一;因此,维持一个强大的品牌形象对于每一个企业来说都是至关重要的。诺基亚的制造商已成功建立并维持其品牌形象的加时赛。品牌形象是消费者对品牌的感知。在战略上与品牌形象合作的目标是确保消费者在他们的头脑中保持品牌的强大和积极的联想。多年来,学术界对品牌形象的定义不同,但它们的含义相同。根据麦当劳和De Chernatony(1998)的说法,一个值得注意的“人、服务、地方或产品”以满足用户需求的方式应用,并通过感知增值和保持这一附加价值来对抗竞争,这是一个强势品牌形象的标志。麦当劳(McDonald)和克里斯托弗(Christopher)(2003)的另一项研究确定了一个品牌必须满足的标准,以打造一个强大的品牌形象。正如Herzog(1963)所定义的,基于消费者记忆中的品牌关系,一种品牌形象被观察。图片,创意,消费者心中的图片,让我们了解品牌形象。
Brand image is the unique set of associations prevailing in the mind of the customers about what brand stands for and brand makes what types of promises. It can also be defined as the total of those traits which are tangible and intangible. A brand image of a product is one of the most important aspects in one organization so; therefore it is critical for every business to sustain a strong brand image. The manufacturer of Nokia has managed to establish and maintain its brand image overtime. Image of the brand is the perception of the brand by consumers. The goal of working strategically with the brand image is to make sure that consumer hold strong and positive associations of the brand in their minds.Over the years academics have differently defined brand image, but yet they have the same meaning. According to McDonald and De Chernatony (1998), a noticeable "person, service, place or a product" applied in a way that fulfill the user's needs and wants through perceiving added value and maintaining this added value against the competition is a sign of a strong brand image. Another study by McDonald and Christopher (2003) identifies the criteria that a brand must meet to build a strong brand image. As Herzog (1963) defines it as based on the brands relation in the consumer's memory over time, a brand image is viewed. Images, ideas, pictures in consumers' minds that draw the knowledge of a brand image 

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