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资本家认为教育体系是公平的,是根据个人能力为他们在成人社会中的角色做准备。塔尔科特·帕森斯把学校的教室看作是社会的一个缩影。它是家庭与更广泛的社会之间的桥梁。在更广泛的社会中获得了地位。教育使年轻人适应成人的角色。根据塔尔科特·帕森的功能主义,个体之间通过社会结构的媒介相互作用。他们接受共同的评价标准,即道德标准或“规范”。社会学过程维护这些结构,并通过遵守规范来确保稳定。这被称为社会系统分析的“结构主义-功能主义”方法。帕森斯把社会的功能分析为:1。适应- -提供物质必需品- -经济制度;2. 目标实现- -确立整个社会的目标- -政治制度;3.模式维护和紧张管理-服务于激励个人和解决冲突-亲属,家庭和婚姻;4. 学校、教堂、媒体、警察和司法系统的整合——让个人社会化,接受这些规范,如果不接受,就加以控制。因此,帕森斯把教育看作是整合功能的一部分。通过教育,个人被社会化以适应社会。教育还通过以下方式支持社会的经济“必要性”:1。灌输某些技术技能和要求;2. 为不同的劳动力市场切入点分离潜在的工人。关于一体化,“势在必行”的教育特别导致儿童将社会价值观念和规范内在化,而这是单靠家庭无法做到的。在美国,小学教育教导美国年轻人公平竞争的价值。
Capitalists see the educational system as fair, and as preparing individuals for their roles in adult society according to their abilities. Talcott Parsons sees the school classroom as a microcosm of society. It is a bridge between the family and wider society. In wider society status is achieved. Education socialises young people for adult roles. According to Talcott Parson’s Functionalism individuals interact with each other through the medium of social structures. They accept common standards of evaluation, which are moral standards or ‘norms’. Sociological processes maintain these structures, and ensure stability through adherence to the norms. This is called a ‘structuralist-functionalist’ approach to social systems analysis. Parsons analyses the functions of society into: 1. Adaptation – the provision of physical necessities – the economic system; 2. Goal attainment – the establishment of the goals of society as a whole – the political system; 3. Pattern maintenance and tension management – serves to motivate individuals and resolve conflicts – kinship, family & marriage; 4. Integration – socialisation of individuals to accept the norms and control them if they don’t – schools, churches, media, police and judicial system. Therefore, Parsons sees education as serving a part in the function of integration. Through education individuals are socialised to conform. Education also supports the economic “imperative” of society by: 1. Inculcating certain technical skills and requirements; 2. Separating out potential workers for different points of entry to the labour market. Regarding the integration “imperative” schooling specifically causes children to internalise social values and norms at a level which the family alone cannot achieve. In America elementary school education teaches American youth the value of fair competition. 

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