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华盛顿以讽刺的方式发展了这个故事。他和他的亲密伙伴狼一起用枪和他的枪在一起,把自己拖到更高的地方。不久之后,他发现一个陌生人正在移动一桶看起来像一桶酒的东西。因此,借助荷兰人的帮助,再加上一整天的爬山,瑞普陷入了一种庄严而深沉的睡眠中。然而,当他醒来时,他不知道自己已经睡了多久,或者他的两个朋友也都离开了。20年后,他醒了过来,像一个老人一样,回到他的村子里,他对发生的变化感到惊讶。一阵骚动之后,他和他成年的女儿和孩子们一起。讽刺的是,瑞普对范·温克尔夫人的冷淡。他受到了责骂和责骂,但他很满意。这家酒吧的老板尼古拉斯·维德尔(Nicholas Vedder)主导了“朱诺”的对话和观点,象征着由皇冠挑选出来的殖民地总督。尽管他很少说话,但他的权威一直存在。美国康奈尔论文代写:讽刺的方式这反映了州长们在政治事务上处于不活跃的地位,也反映了殖民者对他们的巨大敬意。欧文(109)。另一件具有讽刺意味的是,欧文预见梭罗的许多想法。长撤退到瓦尔登湖前,华盛顿介绍里普·万·温克尔快乐的凡人,愚蠢的,油的人物,他把人类容易,吃黑面包或白色,任何可以毫无困难,宁愿挨饿比劳动在一分钱一磅这很讽刺。
Washington develops the thesis of the story by use of irony. After meandering with his gun together with Wolf, his close companion, Rip trails himself into the higher parts of the mountains. Soon afterwards, Rip stumbles upon a stranger who was moving what looked like a barrel of liquor. Consequently, with the aid of the Hollands, moreover a whole day of mountain climbing, Rip falls into a solemn, deep slumber. Nevertheless when he wakes up, Rip does not know how long he has been sleeping or where both of his friends have gone off too. He woke up twenty years later, as an aged man and strolls back to his village; he is amazed by the transformations that have occurred. After some commotion, he is joined with his grown-up daughter and her children.The irony is further noticed in Rip's coldness to Dame Van Winkle. He was bossed and chided, but he was satisfied. The owner of the bar, Nicholas Vedder dominated the conversations and views of the junto symbolize the colonial governors selected by the Crown. Even as he rarely spoke, his authority was constantly present. This reflects the inactive position the governors accommodated political affairs, as well as the colonists' substantial respect for them. (Irving 109).Another irony to reflect on is the ways wherein Irving anticipates lots of of Thoreau's thoughts. Long prior to the retreat to Walden Pond, Washington introduces Rip Van Winkle as a happy mortal, of idiotic, well-oiled characters, who take the humanity easy, eat brown bread or white, any that can be got without difficulty, and would rather go hungry on a penny than labor for a pound which is very ironic.

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