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English 论文代写:阅读资源

Keywords:English 论文代写

阅读资源的保存与保护是图书馆的中心使命。如今,电子化和数字化的风在世界各地刮起。图书馆也不落后于他们。新兴的技术,如计算机和数字化是传统资源的保存和保护的福音。所以,我选择的主题“保护和非保护书籍和书籍在图书馆四年老,坐落在孟买的原因,M. Phil。学位(2009获)。但写论文我只选择“亚洲学会图书馆、堡,孟买。 直到今天许多图书馆和阅读资源遭到破坏。他们背后有许多原因。火灾、水灾、气候等自然灾害是造成图书馆破坏的因素。人类对图书馆、战争、生物因素如微生物、白蚁等昆虫的袭击,曾一度破坏图书馆,使印度珍贵的文化文献流失,直至。古印度的那烂陀寺,Vallabhi,Odantapuri etc.是优秀的知识传授中心。但是,一些图书馆在战争中被敌人开除,破坏了所有的阅读资源。因此,保存和保存对保存图书馆很重要。

English 论文代写:阅读资源

Preservation and conservation of reading resources is central mission of the libraries. Now a days the wind of computerization and digitization blowing everywhere in the world. The libraries are also not behind to them. New emerging technologies such as computer and digitization are the boon For the preservation and conservation of traditional resources. So, I selected the topic on “preservation and conservation of books and non-books” in the four libraries which are old and situated in Mumbai reason for M. Phil. Degree (Awarded in 2009). But for writing this research paper I have chosen only “Asiatic society library, fort, Mumbai.

Till today many libraries and reading resources destroyed. There are many reasons behind them. Some natural calamities such as fire, flood, climate etc are the factors causes to destroy the libraries. Some times human made attacks on the libraries, wars and biological factors such as micro organisms, white ants like insects etc. tried to destroy the libraries and causes losses of valuable cultural documents of India till . in ancient India Nalanda, Vallabhi, Odantapuri etc. were the excellent knowledge imparted centers. But, some libraries fired by enemy in the war and destroy all the reading resources. So, preservation and conservation is important to save the libraries.

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