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加拿大护理作业代写 加拿大医保系统

Keywords:加拿大护理作业代写 加拿大医保系统

加拿大的医疗保健系统面临着一些挑战,使得所有人都很难获得高质量的医疗服务。50多年来,该国一直拥有最好的医疗体系之一。然而,医疗体系的变化也带来了一些问题。加拿大医疗保健系统面临的最重大挑战之一是人口老龄化和处方药成本的增加。特别是老年人,他们体弱多病,易患多种疾病。这些人依靠他们的家庭或照顾者,因为他们中的大多数人没有工作。主要的问题是,他们中的一些人不支付他们的账单,包括他们的药物,这是整个医疗系统的负担。加拿大人口老龄化增加了医疗支出,是对医疗保健系统的重大挑战。自1970年代以来,历届加拿大联邦政府一直在减少医疗保健支出,税收转移到领土和省。如果联邦捐款继续按照目前下降的趋势,那么就很难在加拿大实现国家医疗服务标准。此外,联邦政府将失去执行医疗法案的权力。因此,人口老龄化问题直接和间接地影响着加拿大的医疗保健体系。一方面,老年人经常需要医疗救助,但由于大多数人都没有工作,他们缺乏资金来支付这些服务(Osborn et al., 2014)。另一方面,他们使联邦政府提供的资源变得紧张,这玷污了联邦政府的形象,因为它似乎并不需要为这个人口统计数字负责。加拿大保健系统必须继续向老年人提供治疗和其他医疗服务,无论他们的资源是充足还是有限。
加拿大护理作业代写 加拿大医保系统
 Canada’s healthcare system faces some challenges that make it hard for all people to get quality medical services. For over five decades, the country has been having one of the best healthcare systems. However, the changing landscape of the medical system leads to some problems. One of the most significant challenges that the Canadian healthcare system is facing is the increase in the aging population and the cost of prescription medication. In particular, the elderly are delicate and vulnerable to many diseases. These individuals are dependent on their families or caregivers since the majority of them are not working. The primary problem is that some of them do not settle their bills including their medications, which is a burden to the entire healthcare system. Aging population in Canada is a significant challenge to the healthcare system since it increases the medical expenditure.The successive federal governments of Canada have been reducing the healthcare expenditure since the 1970s where the tax was transferred to territories and provinces. If the federal contributions continue with the current trend where it is declining, then it will be difficult to achieve the national standards of medical services in Canada. Also, the federal government will lose its authority, which is to enforce the healthcare act. Therefore, the problem of the aging population affects the Canadian healthcare system both directly and indirectly. On the one hand, the elderly need frequent medical assistance, but they lack the money to pay for the services since the majority are not working (Osborn et al., 2014). On the other hand, they strain the resources provided by the federal government, which tarnishes its image since it seems like the state is not responsible for this demographic. The Canadian healthcare system must continue offering treatment and other medical services to older adults regardless of whether they have enough or limited resources.

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