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病例管理人员在向有长期疾病的患者提供预期性护理方面不断变化的角色,是确保对个人的护理和服务得到协调、不变得支离破碎、令人困惑和无法抗拒的关键。这是一个机会,以充分利用先进水平的知识,技能和能力,地区护士已经发展。之间良好的沟通、协调和信息共享内部和多学科团队是必不可少的,以确保在一个人不同的保健机构之间移动,例如在初级护理和专业服务提供在二级护理,这些转变是无缝的和协调的。2009年,信息服务部门(ISD) SPARRA工具开发的。它确定了在过去3年进入重复入院周期的患者,并预测了他们未来住院的风险。SPARRA列表上的信息支持患者的本地团队为有复杂或频繁变化需求的患者提供前瞻性、计划性和协作性的护理。人们和他们的看护者将通过更健全的评估和护理规划方法获得更好的服务,而不是被动的或危机护理。提供持续的、支持性的护理和一个单一的协调点,改善个人和他们的照顾者的经验;支持家庭护理,并可能防止可避免的入院(ISD, 2009)。SPARRA只是一种识别高危学生的方法。可以通过在实践和本地团队会议上共享本地情报以及使用其他社区风险预测工具来识别那些可能从护理管理中受益的人。
The evolving role of case manager in delivering anticipatory care to patients with long term conditions is key to ensuring that care and services for the individual are co-ordinated and do not become fragmented, confusing and overwhelming. It is an opportunity to make best use of the advanced level of knowledge, skills and competencies that District Nurses have developed . Good communication, co-ordination and information sharing within and between multi-disciplinary teams are essential to ensure that where a person moves between different care settings, for example between primary care and specialist services provided in secondary care, these transitions are seamless and co-ordinated .IN 2009, Information Services Division (ISD) developed The SPARRA tool. It identifies people who have entered a cycle of repeat admissions to hospital in the previous 3 years and predicts their risk of future hospitalisation. The information on the SPARRA lists supports the patient’s local team to provide the proactive, planned and co-ordinated care required for people with complex or frequently changing needs. Instead of reactive or crisis care, people and their carers will receive an improved service through a more robust assessment and care planning approach. Delivering continuous, supportive care with a single point of co-ordination improves the experience for the person and their carer; supports care at home and may prevent avoidable hospital admissions (ISD, 2009). SPARRA is only one way of identifying people at high risk of admissions. People who may benefit from care management can be identified by sharing local intelligence at Practice and locality team meetings and by using other community risk prediction tools .

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