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然而在比较教育中,一些研究者倾向于采用定性比较的方法,因此坚持采用这种方法。他们喜欢这种方法,因为他们认为这种方法将消除与比较教育的定量方法相关的不足之处。比较教育领域内的定性调查人员也认为,在传统、政治和社会框架的意义上有一种坚定的信念,认为教育不能与它的土著习惯无关。定性调查也得到大量世界范围的数字统计的支持,这些统计数字往往很少涉及对迫近的先入之见的反映。此外,通过调查的因素,不仅包括当地的环境和社会的差异,还考虑到调查人员的客观性或重要性。教育领域的定性比较研究者关注的是,当研究者的行为与他们的个人智力环境相背离时,对于极有可能的偏见和困难的猜测的必要性。他们认为,应当作出努力,以便理解这些偏见,并进一步调查个别的假设,尽管他们试图理解作为调查目的的国家和传统的基本假设。在教育中使用定性比较方法的一个例子是Margaret Archers(1979),正如Green(1990)关于“教育系统的社会起源”的研究中所指出的。她的研究在俄罗斯、英国、法国和丹麦进行。本研究也是Green(1990)研究“教育与国家形成”的基础。另一个例子是Ramierz和Boli(1987)关于“大众教育的政治构建:欧洲起源与世界制度化”的研究.
However within comparative education they are some researchers who prefer to adopt the qualitative comparative approach, and therefore insist that this method is applied. They prefer this method because they opine that it will eliminate the inadequacies that are associated with the quantitative approach to comparative education. Qualitative investigators within the field of comparative education also view that there is a sound conviction in the significance of traditional, political and societal framework and the opinion that education cannot be unrelated from its indigenous customs. Qualitative investigation is also supported through a great quantity of worldwide numerical statistics, frequently insignificantly engaged devoid of reflection of impending preconceptions. And also by means of elements of investigation contrasted which not only include native circumstances and societal difference, with consideration to the enquiry of the objectivity or importance of the investigators undertaking. The qualitative comparative investigators in education focus on the necessitatity to the immensely prospective for partiality and difficult conjectures when investigators act externally from their personal intellectual circumstances. They opine that effort ought to be present in order to become cognisant of such partialities and furthermore to enquiry individual postulations although attempting to comprehend the postulations fundamental to the nations and traditions which are aims of investigations. An example of the use of the qualitative comparative approach in education is Margaret Archers (1979) as noted in Green (1990) study on "The Social Origins of Education Systems". Her study was conducted in Russia, England, France and Denmark. This research was also the basis for Green (1990) study on "Education and State Formation". Another example is Ramierz and Boli (1987) study on "The political Construction of Mass Schooling: European Origins and Worldwide Institutionalization"

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