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首先我们应该看看这些超星系黑洞存在于星系中心的证据。天文学家和科学家最初发现很难证明我们的星系中确实存在黑洞。 1916年,最着名的物理学家之一阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦创立了他的广义相对论理论。虽然他的理论是在1916年首次发表的,但可以看出,他的理论所适用的空间中可能有物体。爱因斯坦的理论认为,可能有一个既改变空间又改变时间的物体,甚至连光都不能逃脱。许多现代科学家认为这是一个黑洞。许多科学家认为,来自这些黑洞的引力太强大了,无法逃脱任何事物的牵扯,包括光线,这就解释了这些黑洞是如何看不见的。为了帮助证明这种看不见的力量的存在,西奥多·P·斯诺(Theodore P. Snow,1991,p。514)提出:“探测黑洞的最好机会是寻找一个无形的物体,还要别的吗。”因此,科学家们研究了几个不同星系周围的这个看不见的物体周围的恒星运动。由于这些测量结果,哈勃空间望远镜在1914年(2003,p.198)设法确定物体的质量是几百万倍太阳的大小存在于恒星的轨道上。科学家和天文学家认为,唯一可能对星体轨道产生这种影响的物体具有如此高的质量,必须是超大质量黑洞。 “每日电讯报”在2008年12月报道说,一群科学家在过去的16年里一直在研究在银河系中央是否有超大质量黑洞。和以前一样,他们研究了绕着看不见的物体的星体轨道,发现它的质量大约是太阳大小的四百万倍。因此,这表明超大质量黑洞是包括我们自己在内的星系的中心。因此,天文学家和科学家相信,如果你测量一个黑暗物体的质量,并且它在一个小的空间区域内具有很高的质量,它很可能是一个超大质量黑洞。
Firstly we should look at the evidence that suggests these Supermassive Black Holes exist at the centre of galaxies. Astronomers and scientists at first found it difficult to prove that black holes do exist in our galaxies. In 1916, Albert Einstein, one of the most well known physicists created his General Relativity theory. Although his theory was first published in 1916, it could be seen to indicate there could be objects in space in which his theory applies to. The theory of Einstein would suggest that there could be an object that alters both space and time, so much so that not even light can escape from it. This is what many modern scientists believe that a black hole is. Many scientists believe that the gravitational force that comes from these black holes is far too strong for anything to escape its pull, including light, which would then explain how these black holes appear invisible. To help prove the existence of this invisible force therefore, Theodore P. Snow (1991, p.514) suggests that "the best chance of detecting a black hole...is to look for an invisible object whose mass is too great to be anything else." Scientists have therefore looked at the movement of stars around this invisible object in several different galaxies, and thanks to these measurements in 1914 the Hubble Space Telescope (2003,p.198) managed to determine the mass of the object to be several million times the size of the sun was present in the stars orbit. Scientists and astronomers believe that the only object that could have this effect on the stars orbit and have as high a mass would have to be a Supermassive Black Hole. The Telegraph in December 2008, reported that a group of scientists had spent the last 16 years studying whether there was a Supermassive Black Hole at the centre of our galaxy, in the Milky Way. As before they studied the stars orbit circling the invisible object and found that the mass seems to be about four millions times the size of the sun. This would therefore suggest that Supermassive Black Holes are at the centre of galaxies, including our own. Astronomers and Scientists therefore believe that if you measure the mass of a dark object and that it has a high mass in a small area of space it is most probably a Supermassive Black Hole.

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