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尽管如此,根据Hansson(2005)的说法,今天的游戏可能更加开放,其中许多游戏鼓励玩家通过使用各种“mod”工具在游戏本身的构建中发挥积极作用。“mod”一词意味着修改,在视频游戏术语“mod”中指的是用户对已经存在的游戏的附加。例如,2007年最畅销的电子游戏之一,《模拟人生2》并没有确定任何明确的目标或获胜结果。相反,游戏本身是一个开放式的“虚拟玩偶屋”,玩家可以在游戏中相互选择并分享故事。由于游戏的巨大灵活性,成千上万的玩家创建的内容附加项或游戏修改现在可以在网络上免费获得。“令人惊讶的是,到目前为止,教育工作者几乎没有尝试过使用Sims 2的广泛mod工具来实现学习内容,这种方式自然地与游戏中的体验相结合”(Goldfayn,2006),mod工具提供了对一个游戏的所有不同国际版本中使用的所有语言数据的完全访问。这使得课程设计者可以轻松地操纵流行的电子游戏,为外语学习创造机会。Johnson(2005,p.191)声称,对于大多数教育学科来说,“选择要修改的视频游戏的主要规则是,游戏的原始内容越接近所涉及的教育学科,过程就越顺利”。现在大多数人玩电子游戏,每个人似乎都在电脑上工作,所以通过电子游戏学习外语和通过传统的课堂教学学习外语一样可行。
Today, nonetheless, according to Hansson (2005) games are presumably more open-ended, with many of them encouraging players to take an active role in the construction of the game itself through the use of various ‘mod’ tools. The term ‘mod’ means modification, in videogame terms ‘mod’ refers to a user made add-on to an already existing game. For example, one of 2007’s best selling video games, “The Sims 2” does not determine any explicit goal or winning outcome. Rather, the game presents itself as an open-ended “virtual doll house” in which users play out and share stories with one another should they choose to.As a result of the enormous flexibility of this game, thousands of players’ created content add-ons or game modifications now available for free on the web. “Surprisingly enough, so far, little has been attempted by educators to use the extensive mod tools available for The Sims 2 to implement learning content in a way that naturally integrates with the in-game experience” (Goldfayn, 2006).However, mod tools provide full access to all the language data used in all the different international versions of a game. This allows curriculum designers to easily manipulate popular video games to create opportunities for foreign language learning. Johnson,( 2005, p.191) claims that for most educational disciplines, “the main rule when choosing a video game to be modded is that the closer the original contents of the game are to the educational discipline involved, the smoother the process will be”. Most people play video games nowadays and everyone seems to work on a computer, so learning a foreign language through video games can be as viable as learning it through traditional classroom instruction.

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