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路易国王被抓后被判叛国罪并处以死刑。路易国王被处死,这表明革命的力量越来越强大。1793年,公约成立了公共安全委员会,这是一个12人委员会,作为革命政府的行政部门。Girondins和Montagnards都被纳入这个委员会,5月,更温和的Girondins被从公约中清除,更极端的Montagnards控制了公约和公共安全委员会。然后,蒙塔纳德人利用他们的权力来识别革命中的敌人。公共安全委员会是必要的,因为它把所有革命者团结在一起,朝着平等和正义的目标前进。在罗伯斯庇尔的指挥下,公共安全委员会以革命的名义用断头台处决了成千上万的人。至少有30万名嫌疑人被捕,1.7万人被正式处决,许多人死于狱中或未经审判(法国革命,2018)。此外,公共安全委员会必须动员整个社会处于防御地位,因为他们面临内部崩溃和外部失败(Mcphee, 2006)。公共安全委员会专注于扩大军队规模,因此他们制定了一项针对18至25岁所有男性的征兵制度,这使得法国军队的规模大幅增加。后来,公约废除了与基督教有关的公历,代之以更科学的历法。1794年7月,《国民大会》推翻了罗伯斯庇尔,结束了被称为热月反应的恐怖统治。
After King Louis was caught he was convicted of treason and was punished by execution. By King Louis being executed, it showed that the revolution was gaining in power and how powerful it was. In 1793, the Convention established the Committee of Public Safety which was a 12 man Committee that worked as the executive branch of the revolutionary government. Girondins and Montagnards were both included in this committee and in May, more moderate Girondins were purged from the Convention, and the more extreme Montagnards took control of the Convention and the Committee of Public Safety. Then the Montagnards used their power to identify their enemy in the revolution. The Committee of Public Safety was necessary because it united all the revolutionists together and progressed towards their goal of equality and justice. Under the direction of Maximilien Robespierre, the Committee of Public Safety executed tens of thousands of people by guillotine in the name of the revolution. At least 300,000 suspects were arrested, 17,000 were officially executed, and many died in prison or without trial (French Revolution, 2018). In addition, the Committee of Public Safety had to mobilize an entire society into a defensive position because they faced internal collapse and external defeat (Mcphee, 2006). The Committee of Public Safety was focused on increasing their size so they established a draft for all men between the ages of 18 and 25, which made the French army increase in size massively. Then the Convention abolished the Gregorian calendar which had Christian associations and replaced it with a more scientific calendar. In July 1794, the Convention overthrew Robespierre and put an end to the reign of terror which is known as the Thermidorian reaction .

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