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加拿大作业代写 开发计划信息


根据规划会议和开发计划信息,发现Sue和Polly有一个相似的想法——他们的目标都强调了更有效的协作策略的必要性。在幼儿教育中,沟通是非常重要的,因为大量的工作人员在如此近的距离工作,遵循不断变化的政策/程序。Waniganayake(2012,第159页)指出,沟通是成功的领导关系的关键。提供有效的策略,营造良好的环境,让员工感到舒适和自信,与他人开诚布公地沟通,这将确保所有员工都能充分了解情况,并就如何克服可能出现的问题表达自己的想法。Polly强调了反思日常实践的有用性,因此通过有效的讨论得出结论,所有员工都将参加单独的房间会议进行反思和共享反馈(Waniganayake, 2012)。这将有助于提供一个开放的环境来讨论想法——比如苏需要讨论她的目标领域:创建更好的行为管理策略。这些团体目标与CBC的理念相一致,即通过信任和开放的沟通,为所有相关人员——尤其是儿童——建立牢固的关系。
加拿大作业代写 开发计划信息
Based upon the planning conference and development plan information, it was found that Sue and Polly shared a similar idea – both of their objectives highlighted the need for more effective collaboration strategies. Within early childhood settings, communication is exceedingly important due to the large amount of staff working in such close proximity, following ever-changing policies/procedures. Waniganayake (2012, p. 159), states that communication is key to successful leadership relationships. Providing effective strategies to form an envoironment where staff feel comfortable and confident to openly and honestly communicate with others will ensure all staff are well informed and can express ideas on how to overcome issues that may arise. Polly emphasised the usefulness of reflecting on daily practices, so through effective discussion it was concluded that all staff will take part in individual room meetings for reflection and shared feedback (Waniganayake, 2012). This will help in providing an open environment to discuss ideas – such as Sue’s need for discussion of her objective area: creating better behaviour management strategies. These group goals align with CBC’s philosophy of maintaining an environment that builds strong relationships through trusting and open communication for the benefit of all involved – especially the children.

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