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加拿大护理学作业代写 认知行为疗法

Keywords:加拿大护理学作业代写 认知行为疗法

认知行为疗法(Cognitive behavior Therapy, CBT)是由Beck(1970)和Elliss(1962)等人发展起来的,其核心概念是认知适应不良(maladaptive Cognitive, i。无意识的想法,如对世界、自我和未来的普遍信念或计划)是情绪困扰和行为问题的后果:这个原始的模型表明,认知的改变将导致情感和行为的改变(Hofmann, et al., 2012)。CBT的这种模式是通过强调患者的思想、感受和行为来改善他们的功能——治疗师和患者都通过批判性评估和分析这些成分来处理心理干扰,以促进适应这些行为的方式(King和Boswell, 2019)。然而,自从这些早期的发展,CBT已经改变了一些特定疾病的治疗方案,继续以新的维度和认知和行为理论家的贡献进行发展,增加了理解认知和情绪过程作用的新方法(Wells, 2009年引用于Wills和Sanders, 2013年)。CBT的总体目标是通过改善患者的功能来减轻症状,免除功能障碍(Hofmann, 2011;Hofmann, Asmundson, & Beck, 2013,引自Hofmann et al., 2013)。在CBT治疗过程中,治疗师要清楚地向病人确立基本原理和目标导向框架;从一开始,这就是我们的首要目标;通过共同工作,允许开放的关系,在治疗治疗是积极的,以实现共同的目标,客户和治疗师之间达成一致.
加拿大护理学作业代写 认知行为疗法
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) developed by Beck (1970) and Elliss (1962) and other influences, implemented the core concepts that maladaptive cognitions (i.e automatic thoughts such as general beliefs or schemes about the world, the self and what the future holds) are the consequences of emotional distress and behavioural problems: this original model suggest changing cognition will lead to changes in feelings and behaviour (Hofmann, et al., 2012). This model of CBT was to improve clients functioning by highlighting their thoughts, feelings and behaviours – both the therapists and clients work on the phycological disturbances by critically assessing and analysing the components, to promote ways of adapting to those behaviours (King and Boswell, 2019). However, since these early developments, CBT has changed protocols on several specific disorders, continuing its development with new dimensions and contributions from cognitive and behavioural theorists with increased new ways of understanding the role of cognition and emotional processes (Wells, 2009 cited in Wills and Sanders, 2013). The overall goal of CBT is to reduce the symptoms by improving the functioning of clients and exempting the dysfunctional disorders (Hofmann, 2011; Hofmann, Asmundson, & Beck, 2013, cited in Hofmann et al., 2013). During CBT treatment sessions, the therapists establish clearly to the clients what the rationale and goal orientation framework is; this is found to be the primary goal from the start; by working together, allows an open relationship that is positive in therapeutic treatment to achieve the common goals that are agreed between clients and therapists 

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